
EPW is released under the GNU General Public License. The use of EPW in scientific publications can be acknowledged by citing the associated papers:

The use of the anisotropic Eliashberg modules available can be acknowledged by citing:

E. R. Margine and F. Giustino, Phys. Rev. B 87, 024505 (2013)

The use of the Fröhlich correction to the electron-phonon materix elements can be acknowledged by citing:

C. Verdi and F. Giustino, Phys. Rev. Lett. 115, 176401 (2015)

The use of the electronic transport module can be acknowledged by citing:

S. Poncé, E. R. Margine and F. Giustino, Phys. Rev. B 97, 121201 (2018)

When using EPW versions v2 and v3 the appropriate citation is:

J. Noffsinger et al, Comput. Phys. Comm. 181, 2140 (2010)

Additional contributions to the code:

  • Paolo Giannozzi (Università di Udine): Debug and code alignment with QE

  • Hyungjun Lee (EPFL): USPP and SOC debug

  • Fabio Caruso (Humboldt University): Initial implementation of plasmons and cumulant

  • Xiaolong Zhang (Chinese Academy of Sciences): Initial implementation of SOC

  • Shunhong Zhang (University of Science and Technology of China): Convert dyn file to XML in bin/

  • Emmanouil Kioupakis (University of Michigan, USA): initial implementation of indirect absorption